I blog, you blog, do your trainees blog?

<![CDATA[This is a short post to embed my recent talk for the first Spring Blog Festival organised by Dr Nellie Deutsch, Shelly terrel and Sylvia Guinan via WiziQ

why do i blog


More talks through this link


My talk was based on a recent post on this blog which you can read here.

It has the same title as my talk which covers much the same ground during the first part, but the talk had a different slant and concern built into it.

If we are convinced about the value of blogging, why is it that it is so hard to get so many teachers, especially trainee teachers, get into the habit of blogging?



If you would like to access the links mentioned in my presentation slides, you might want to access it via Slideshare, by following this link 

Are you finding hard to get started? Let me know your thoughts – let me also know if you have been successful – I want to know the secrets of your success because I do want to get my trainees into blogging :-)]]>

Categories: Webinar Recording

2 replies

  1. I’m responsible for a language center in a public institution in Martinique a small island in the French West Indies. I’m very interested in all comments about multimedia student centred learning environment. In the center trainings are organized in English for specific purposes. civil servants (Adult learners) learn English in fields such as mosquito control, natural hazards, social work.These trainings are aimed at encouraging cooperation in the Caribbean.

    This year, I’m doing a Memoire on the impacts of collaborative tools on adult learners.

    I’m trying to find research in this ground but it’s sometimes hard to find open archives.

    Thank you for your help.

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